Web Developers Internships

Web Developers Internships
تم النشر بواسطة : ewazefa.com
المشاهدات :13878

1) Web Developer Internship

We are announcing for an Internship as Web Developer; The main responsibility of the Web Developer is the production and maintenance of websites, web application, web services and mobile Apps using PhoneGap. 
The web developer has to be familiar with markup language (HTML, XML), to turn static Photoshop designs into working browser based web, mobile pages, emails or online advertising.
If you are an ITI fresh graduate this is a good opportunity for you.
Internship duration: 3 Months - with opportunity to be shifted for a full time Job

Job Requirements
• ITI fresh graduate
• 0-2 years of PHP developer
• Experience with with MVC frameworks (e.g. Codeigniter, CakePHP).
• Linux, Apache, MySQL, shell scripting, distributed systems, and various infra/ops exposure
• Building PhoneGap Apps
• SEO basics.
• Bonus is provided upon completion

To apply:


2) Technical Installation Engineer Internship

• If you have background in engineering, servicing and interested in gaining real life experience in installing light current systems and gates; like barriers, access control, turnstiles, CCTV, fire detection etc…, this is an opportunity to build on your existing skill-set and develop your career with an expanding company.

• Internship duration: 3 Months - with opportunity to be shifted for a full time Job

Job Requirements
The applicant should be/have:
• Bachelor's Degree in Engineering
• 0-2 years of experience in the same field - Fresh Graduates are encouraged to apply
• Results orientated and a proven ability to meet deadlines
• Demonstrated ability to build open and cooperative working relationships with customer and colleagues
• Bonus is provided upon completion

To apply:


For more internships:

For more web developer jobs:


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