وظائف مميزة للمدربين و المعلمين في جميع المجالات الدراسية

وظائف مميزة للمدربين و المعلمين في جميع المجالات الدراسية
تم النشر بواسطة : ewazefa.com
المشاهدات :15280

وظائف في مجال التعليم، التدريب و التدريس بتاريخ 16/12/2014 


Jobs in NGC Academy:

Training cordinator

needed for a training provider with the following qualifications:
1- university graduate
2- extremely presentable and good looking
3- excellent command of both written and spoken English with flawless and error free pronunciation.
4- Ability to work under pressure
5- cooperative with team work abilities
6- sociable with excellent communication skills
7- preferably with experience in the field of training and education.

Apply here


 Customer Care Representative:

needed with the following qualifications:
- experience: minimum 6 months experience in the field of customer care.
- Skills:
1- excellent appearance and good looking
2- sociable and friendly.
3- Excellent communication skills 
4- patient
5- good command of written and spoken English with excellent pronunciation
6- multi-tasked and able to work under continuous pressure.

Send your detailed résumé with a recent photo to:
Apply Here


Sales Team

A training provider is looking to hire a sales team with the following qualifications:
1- minimum 1 year experience in the field of training & education
2- extremely presentable and good looking 
3-good command of both written and spoken English with flawless & error free pronunciation
4- ability to work under pressure to exceed target expectations.
5- Excellent communication skills
6- preferably have data to use for outbound sales.

Send an updated CV with a recent photo to:
Apply here


Jobs in National School:

Computer Teachers

We are seeking a certified computer Teacher to work at a Full-Time position in a national school located in 6th of

With the following requirements:
Bachelor Degree is a must.
Minimum 2 years of experience in the same field.
Excellent Command of English.

Please send your c.v to:
Apply here


Math Teacher

We are seeking a certified Math Teacher to work at a Full-Time position in a national school located in 6th of October

with the following requirements:
Bachelor Degree is a must.
Minimum 2 years of experience in the same field.
Excellent Command of English. 

Apply here


Teaching and training jobs:


Sales jobs:


Customer service jobs:






استلم تنبيهات الوظائف عبر البريد

لا تدع الفرصة تمر من دون علمك، استلم كل الوظائف التي تنشر علي الموقع اسبوعيا.
بالضغط علي اشترك فانت قرات و وافقت علي شروط الإستخدام وسياسة الخصوصية.

البحث عن الوظائف

ابحث في آلاف الوظائف الحقيقية و تقدم اليها في خطوة واحدة.
وظائف محامين
وظائف مهندسين
وظائف محاسبين
وظائف كمبيوتر و انترنت