Winter Internship Program - NISSAN

Winter Internship Program - NISSAN
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المشاهدات :13603

NISSAN is pleased to announce for the Winter Internship Program “NMEG-IP” for the year of (2014-2015), Through NMEG-IP, Nissan will support Internships for undergraduates approaching the end of their studies (students who are currently in their final and/or pre-final year of study) in the different company departments

This program represents an exceptional opportunity for the undergraduates for practical training, learning and gaining experience which isn't offered during study stages, in addition to giving direct supervisors the opportunity to assess trainees’ technical and personal competencies, and explore their adaptation with Nissan culture and work environment for future recruitment in the company

If you want to apply or recommend any candidate(s), kindly download the attached files


Candidates are requested to submit their applications to the Human Resources Department – Nissan Motor Egypt before December 18th, 2014

Human Resources Department
NISSAN Motor Egypt

Nissan Internship Jobs & application form

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