Banking Jobs in Different Cities in Egypt

Banking Jobs in Different Cities in Egypt
تم النشر بواسطة :
المشاهدات :15282

Urgently required for one of the new banks in Egypt: 

2.Retail Account officer

To apply please follow this link: 


1.Operations Admin Officer
2.retail Account officer
3.Customer Service Manager
4.Branch Manager

Hurghada :
1.Operations Admin Officer
2.retail Account officer

Sharm El-Shiekh:
1.Assistant Branch Manager

Luxor :
2.retail Account officer

Port Said:
1.Trade Finance Officer

To apply please follow this link:


Urgently required for one of the new banks in Egypt, Cairo: 

1.Customer Service Manager
2.Customer Service Officer
4 Assistant Branch Manager
5 Operations Admin Assistant
6.Operations Admin Officer

Head Office:

Retail Banking Group:
1.Recovery Officer
2.Product development Manager

Call Center Unit:
1.Call Center Agent

Corporate & Private Banking Group:
1.Relationship Manager - Corporate
2. Relationship Manager Syndication
3. Relationship Officer
4.Credit Analyst

Human Resources Department:
1.Recruitment Manager
2.Training Manager
3.Recruitment Supervisor 

Information Technology Department:
1.System Analysis
2. QA Analyst 

Trade Finance Operations:
1.Senior Trade Finance Officer - L.G's
2.Supervisor International Bonding

Risk Management Department
1.Loan Documentation Officer

Treasury Unit :
1.Senior Dealer

Electronic Banking department :
1. Website Manager

To apply please follow this link:


For more Banking Jobs, please follow this link:




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البحث عن الوظائف

ابحث في آلاف الوظائف الحقيقية و تقدم اليها في خطوة واحدة.
وظائف محامين
وظائف مهندسين
وظائف محاسبين
وظائف كمبيوتر و انترنت