United Nation Jobs In Egypt

United Nation Jobs In Egypt
تم النشر بواسطة : ewazefa.com
المشاهدات :6085

Jobs in the biggest organization in the world "The United Nation"

Jobs Available:

Programme Assistant

- The candidate will assist in the provision of technical and administrative services related to programme implementation in the MENA region, primarily those related to counter-terrorism.

Programme Officer Nutritionist

- Contribute to the development of nutrition projects and activities, plans and processes, ensuring alignment with wider nutrition policies and guidance.

- Provide project management support to specific and defined nutrition projects and activities, ensuring a coordinated approach with wider programmes/projects that complies with WFP standards and procedures.

Data Management Associate

- Manage the use, maintenance and technical support of databases used in the operation, including planning and overseeing data collection, input and verifications; production of standard and ad hoc reports.

 - Generate statistical reports based on the standard reporting formats and ad-hoc reports, charts and tables as required by the management. - Provide training, as necessary, to UNHCR staff as well as staff-members of implementing partners in relevant aspects of data management.


Programme Assistant - Border Control

The incumbent will assist in the provision of technical and administrative services related to programme implementation in the MENA region, primarily those related to border control.

Senior Public Health Associate

- The Assistant Health Coordinator will perform and carry out the following responsibilities under the overall supervision of UNHCR Public Health Officer based in Cairo Office.

-  S/he will coordinate, align, harmonize and oversight issues of UNHCR health partners complementary health care services.


Finance Assistant

- Prepare accounting transaction reports (vouchers) pertinent to the Regional Office and ensure that supporting documents and other requirements are complete; follow-up with relevant staff as necessary;

- Perform settlements of the travel expense claims for all Regional Office staff; coordinate with respective staff member


Senior Procurement Assistant             

- Guide, train and supervise support staff engaged in the processing of procurement reports And returns from country offices and regional bureaux in the procedures, rules and regulations;

- Analyze, control and maintain data from various sources in procurement systems and take Corrective action as necessary;

The jobs details & the HR emails to send your C.Vs on are in the ZIP file attached in the article.

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United Nation Jobs

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