Tqniat Lab Hiring Senior Account Mananger (web-design-sales-job)

Tqniat Lab Hiring Senior Account Mananger (web-design-sales-job)
تم النشر بواسطة : ewazefa.com
المشاهدات :5619

Tqniat Lab L.L.C.

We are a multinational technology startup founded in 2010 and are a growing software service provider. Our principal office is located in Cairo, Egypt.

We provide a board range of software solutions to different business sectors.

  • Online recruitment
  • Online Travel
  • E-commerce
  • Logistics and shipping

Our vision:

To be the leading online solutions provider in the region and to combine our successful track-record and expertise with the latest technologies to offer market leading digital products and services.


Web design sales job (Senior Account Manager)

If you have a minimum of 2+ year business-to-business (B2B) sales experience, like networking, love sales, and are quick to learn then this may be the career for you!

We are a fast growing, dynamic company in need of an Honest, Highly Motivated and High Energy sales and business development individual.

As a salesperson you will contact potential clients for new sales, present the products and services, and most importantly...close the sale! In addition, it will also be necessary to think strategically and aid in the business development. You will work with and report directly to the President of Tqniat Lab with regards to market development.

You will be trained to be well versed with our product offerings and our proven sales processes, to ensure your success at Tqniat Lab L.L.C


  1. Practices effective sales efforts resulting in a steady increase of new business.
  2. Wins profitable new accounts that are professional, courteous and long-term.
  3. Actively listens and seeks to understand clients’ needs and then convinces them the agency can meet those needs.
  4. Treats prospects with respect and instills a confidence in our abilities and service.
  5. Keeps timely contact with prospects through regular emails, mailings, phone calls, and appointments.


  1. 2+ years of successful business to business sales experience
  2. Web design, SEO, Internet marketing sales experience required. A qualified candidate will have experience talking with clients and explaining these services.
  3. Excellent customer service skills
  4. Strong communication skill, both written and verbal
  5. Self-motivated to grow a book of business
  6. A hunter that is eager to get out and make new connections

We offer competitive compensation of a base salary + commission. Base salary is decided based on your experience and commission is based on your performance and sky's the limit.

How to apply:

Please send your CV to: jobs@tqniat.com

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