Jobs In BMW

Jobs In BMW
تم النشر بواسطة :
المشاهدات :11334

Jobs in BMW Egypt


1- Service Advisors


  • 2-3 years of experience in reputable automotive service centers.
  • Bachelor degree in automotive/mechatronics.


2- Sales Advisors


  • Fresh graduate/ Bachelor degree.
  • Fluent English.


3- Compliance Specialist


  • 1-2 years of experience in manufacturing industry is a must.
  • Excellent English and analytical skills.

4- Accountants


  • 2-3 years of experience in accounting fields.


5- IT/Helpdesk Specialist


  • 2-3 years of experience in handling a large number of PC'S.
  • Bachelor degree in computer science.


The jobs details & How to apply for every job is in the attached PDF, please share the jobs with your friends smiley


Before sending your C.V to the BMW Hr. email, please don’t forget to modify & update your C.V to look professional & attract the Hr. to open the C.V & read it,

you can download our professional C.V forms for free from the following link:


Please try to avoid the mistakes everyone is doing while writing their C.V, take a look on the mistakes to avoid them from the following link:


After modifying your C.V, don’t forget to write your career objective in the body of the email explaining to the Hr. why he should hire you, you can download our career objective samples from the following link:


Finally, you can follow the latest jobs in all fields in the biggest companies in Egypt, please visit our website:

Jobs In BMW

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البحث عن الوظائف

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