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تم النشر بواسطة :
المشاهدات :4464 Jobs in Alexandria

  1. Senior Java Software Development Engineers
  2. Senior PHP Software Development Engineers

- The Book Depository team (an company) is the world’s leading book seller in Europe.

- We are searching for Senior Java Software Development Engineers and Senior PHP Software Development Engineers for our office in Alexandria.

- If you believe you are a master of either programming language, then the Book Depository team would like to speak with you.


- We have an unlimited number of vacancies for you with a competitive salary.


- Qualified Developers throughout Egypt will receive relocation assistance, which is in addition to your salary. If you are interested, please download the attached file to apply for your suitable job so they can start the interview process.


- Please mention the position you are applying to in the subject of your email: Senior Java Software Engineer or Senior PHP Software Engineer. Any CVs without mentioning the position will be disregarded.


Also, after sending your CV to the above mentioned email, I advise spending 5 more minutes filling out the survey that is relevant to the vacancy you’re applying to.

For more Jobs in all fields in multinational companies please visit our website

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