Fresh Graduate Jobs

Fresh Graduate Jobs
تم النشر بواسطة :
المشاهدات :7847


Sales Outdoor

- Mobinil needs to hire fresh graduate sales outdoor

- Salary: 1000-1500

- Gender: any

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Etisalat Masr

Customer Service Agent

- Salary: 1500 LE + Benefits

- Graduates Only

- Good Command in English

- Military Service Status (Postponed, Exempted or Complete).

- Males Only



- 1500 Salary.

- Medical & Social Insurance

- Interviews from 11:00 to 5:00 PM Daily from Saturday to Thursday

- 4 Road 151 Maadi , Cairo, off Horreya Square , Maadi Metro Station, 10th Floor.

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For More Fresh Graduate Customer Service Jobs:


Setcore Petroleum Service Egypt

Wire line Trainee Field Engineer

• Newly graduate from Electronics & Communications or Mechatronics, or Mechanical Department with at least well as final grade

• Fluent English spoken & written is a must

• Must be a hard worker & Dependable

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For more Fresh Graduate Engineering Jobs:




- Fresh Graduate, English Section,

- Excellent communication skills, team work skills, active person

- Good command of English

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For more Fresh Graduate Accounting Jobs:



Administrative Assistants

- Fluent in English,

-  with good communication skills.

- No previous experience required.

Salary: AED 3,000/-.

Additional Benefits:

1. On-the-job training

2. Employment visa & labor card

3. Medical insurance

4. Transportation (subject to availability).

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For more Fresh Graduate Administration Jobs:


Emirates NBD Bank

Service Ambassador Internship

- Fluent English

- Excellent communication skills

- Cairo residents only

- Fresh grads preferably females

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For more Fresh Graduate Banking Jobs:


GeoMark Petroleum Services

Executive Secretary

- Executive Secretary to work in GeoMark office in 5th Settlement.
- She will be responsible for supporting management and the entire department.
- She will provide administrative support and performs numerous duties, including scheduling, writing correspondence, emailing, handling visitors, routing callers, and answering customers questions and requests.

Required qualifications:
- Fresh Graduate Female, Excellent English, Good communication skills & Good Knowledge of Microsoft Office

- Preferred to be resident in 5th Settlement or close as company will not provide transportation.

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For More Fresh Graduate Secretarial Jobs:


Berlitz Egypt

English Instructors

-Teaching the Berlitz English proficiency levels program to Adults and/or Kids after obtaining the Berlitz Instructional Training.

-Closely monitor the progress of the students and set action plans accordingly.

-Responsible for the Level Check of the students.

-Motivate the students and act as their language adviser.


- B.A. or B.SC. In any discipline.

- Being a language school graduate is a must.

- Perfect command of the English Language.

- Experience is not a must.

- Undergraduates are encouraged to apply.

Work Conditions:

Locations: Sheraton or 6 October

Timings: Mornings and/or Evenings and/or Weekends

Contract Types: Part Time


-Opportunities for Advancement.

-Acquiring the Berlitz Method Certification.

-Flexible Working Hours.

-Flexible Work Locations.

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For more Fresh Graduate Training & Teaching Jobs:


HS Print Studio, Advertising Agency

Graphic Designer

Company: Nasr City

Experience: One year or less

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For more Fresh Graduate Graphic Designer Jobs: - 2


Dakahlia Poultry

Marketing Coordinator

- Tracks product line sales and costs by analyzing and entering sales, expense, and new business data. — - - Prepares marketing reports by collecting, analyzing, and summarizing sales data. —
- Researches competitive products by identifying and evaluating product characteristics, market share, pricing, and advertising; maintaining research databases. —
- Plans meetings and trade shows by identifying, assembling, and coordinating requirements; establishing contacts; developing schedules and assignments; coordinating mailing lists.


- High education related to business (such as commerce …..)
- Fresh graduate to 1 year experience in marketing.
- Very good level of English language.
- Market Segmentation, Marketing Research, Coordination, Reporting Research Results

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For more Fresh Graduate Marketing Jobs: - 2





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